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Interesting place in Armenia.Garni

The Temple of Garni (Armenian: “Garnu tacar”) is located in the village of Garni in Kotayk Province, Armenia, and it was once a pagan temple dedicated to the Armenian sun god Mihr. Not far from the temple was the typical Roman bath built in the end of the 3 rd century. One of them is the mosaic floor made in the best traditions of the fine arts of ancient Armenia.

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English homework

cleaned,returned,stopped,stayed, walked, shopped, looked, tidied, smiled, cried, watered, dropped, called, stayed.

2.loved, looked, shouted, walked, played, cleaned, talked, wanted, washed, tried, painted

3.ago, last, ago, yesterday, last, ago, last, last, yesterday, last.

4.helped, cleaned, watched, played, climbed, stayed, called, kissed, returned.

5.cleaned, washed, cooked, wasn’t, was, didn’t want, is.

6.  Usually mom washes the dishes. Yesterday dad washed the dishes. Usually mom cooks the dinner. Yesterday dad cooked the dinner. Usually mom irons the clothes. Yesterday dad ironed the clothes. Usually mom walks the dog. Yesterday dad walked the dog.

Posted in Անգլերեն


Billy was getting excited. It was the day of the circus! Billy loved the
circus – all the animals and the people. It was so much fun!
At eight o’clock Billy and his parents arrived at the huge red and
white striped tent called the ‘Big Top’.
The ringmaster shouted with his huge booming voice, ‘Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen!’
Then the lights went up to the top of the tent and Billy saw a man and a woman dressed in sparkly
clothes balancing on a huge swing. They flew through the air. ‘Ooooo!’ shouted the people every time
they flew. It was very, very exciting.
A door opened and the lions bounced into the ring – there were six of them all looking huge and
fierce and dangerous. The man in the middle was the lion tamer. Billy watched as he put his head in
the biggest lion’s mouth. ‘Ooooo!’ shouted the people in horror and amazement.
After the lions came the clowns. They were wearing brightly coloured clothes – blue and yellow and
red with spots of green. They had red noses and painted faces and funny red hair. They fell over, told
lots of jokes and did lots of very silly things. ‘Ha, ha, ha!’ laughed the people – and Billy laughed too.
Finally the elephants arrived in the ring — there were three enormous grey elephants and one
smaller one. The small one balanced on one leg and did lots of tricks.
Then it stopped and looked up at Billy. ‘Hello,’ said Billy to the elephant. ‘I’m Billy.’
‘I’m Minny,’ replied the elephant to Billy’s surprise.
Then suddenly the small elephant turned around and ran towards the door of the tent. It ran out of
the tent into the street and off into the town. All the people rushed out of the circus tent screaming,
‘Aagh! The elephant – it’s escaped!’
‘Help!’ cried the ringmaster. ‘Minny the elephant has escaped!’
Minny was a very happy elephant. It was the first time she had been out of the circus! It felt good to
be free!
She ran along the main street towards the main square. She saw the fountain in the middle of the
square. She climbed into the big fountain and sat down in the water.
People tried to walk by but Minny sprayed water at them using her huge trunk! ‘Oh, this is much
more fun than the circus!’ cried Minny.
After a while Minny decided to explore. She went along the street and into the big supermarket. All
the people who saw Minny ran out of the supermarket screaming! Minny had a wonderful time – she
helped herself to the bananas and scoffed a large chocolate cake, ten packets of biscuits and a
large number of buns.
When she had finished eating Minny decided to explore again so she went out into the street. In the
distance Minny saw a big house, but there was something strange about it – there was a red light all
around it.
Minny got nearer to the house and then she heard the people in the house shouting and screaming.
‘Help!’ they shouted. ‘Save us!’
Minny rushed into the garden opposite the house. There was a big pond with lots of water. She put
her trunk in the water and took in as much water as she could. Then she rushed over to the house
and sprayed the house with water. She did this many times and the flames and fire died away.
From the top window Minny could see a small boy. He opened the window and Minny took him out of
the house using her trunk.
‘Minny!’ he cried. ‘It’s me!’
‘Hello, Billy,’ said the elephant.
‘You saved me!’ cried Billy. ‘You are the bravest elephant in the world!’
Billy’s mother and father came rushing out of the house. They couldn’t believe what they saw! Billy
was safe and their house was safe – and all because of an elephant.
The next day all the people in the town made a crowd outside the town hall. They gave Minny the
elephant a special medal. Billy rode around the square on Minny’s back, waving and smiling at all the
They went slowly back to the circus to rejoin the other elephants. Minny was so happy that she never
wanted to escape from the circus again.

Posted in Անգլերեն

The Adjective

Ուսումնական նախագիծ՝

Ածական (The Adjective)
ա) Կրկնություն. ածականների համեմատության աստիճանների կազմոումը -er, -est, more, most վերջավորությունների և բառերի օգնությամբ
բ) Կրկնություն. many, much, good, bad և little ածականների համեմատության աստիճանների կազմումը

Ուսումնական նյութ

Degree of Comparison

Some adjectives of two syllables add -er and -est

For adjectives ending in Y — cut Y then add -ier and -iest

Adjectives ending in -full, -less, -ing, -ed use more and most


Give degrees of com­par­i­son of the fol­low­ing adjectives:
Small-smaller-the smallest;
young-younger-the youngest;
thin-thinner-the thinnest;
tall-taller-the tallest;
fine-finer-the finest;
straight-straighter-the straightest;
few-fewer-the fewest;
easy-easier-the easiest;
busy-busier-the busiest;
thick-thicker-the thickest;
good-better-the best;
much-more-the most;
bad-worse-the worst;
lit­tle-less-the least;
many-much, more-the most;
mod­ern-more modern-the most modern;
rea­son­able- more rea­son­able-the most rea­son­able;
dear-dear­er-the dear­est;
high-high­er-the high­est;
cheap-cheap­er-the cheap­est;
light-lighter-the lightest;
polite-more polite-most polite
impor­tant-more impor­tant-most impor­tant

Answer the questions:

Which is longer: an hour or a minute?

Which is high­er: a moun­tain or a hill?

Which is big­ger: a ship or a car?
Which is longer: a sea or a river?

Which is more dif­fi­cult: to go on foot or to go by train?

Open the brackets:

Feb­ru­ary is colder than January.

John Anders is older than me.

Lake Baikal is deeper than this lake.

Peter is taller than Mike.

Our flat is more com­fort­able than yours.

Posted in Անգլերեն, Ուսումնական նյութեր

Planet Earth

Welcome to Planet Earth Museum, a museum where you can learn
some interesting facts about the world we live in.
‘There are many amazing places on Earth. Who knows, maybe you’ll
see them all one day! Where shall we go first, children?’
Forests are home to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the air and produce
oxygen for us to breathe.
We destroy more than 36 football fields of forests every minute and throw away thousands of trees
in paper and card every day.
The oceans are home to millions of marine animals. They absorb the sun’s heat, transfer it to the
atmosphere and move it around the world.
A lot of the rubbish we produce on land pollutes the oceans. Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish
and die when they eat them.
At opposite ends of the world, the Arctic and Antarctic are freezing cold lands. It is so cold that the
sea is covered in ice.
The fuel we use for energy makes the climate warmer. As it gets warmer, the ice melts and the sea
rises. The land disappears.
Rivers collect rain water and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, plants absorb and clean the
water so it is safe for us to drink.
This is a green world, where people respect nature and live a long and healthy life. Wouldn’t you like
to live here?

Posted in Անգլերեն


Mary went to school by bus. John went to school by car. Peter went to school on foot. Mary wore a yellow dress. John wore a green shirt. Peter wore blue trousers. They all got to school at half past eight. Mary sat at the front of the class. John sat in the middle of the class. Peter sat at the back of the class. Miss Lee came into the classroom. Mary stood up. John stood up. Peter stood up. Miss Lee said, “Sit down, please.” Mary, John and Peter sat down. The class started. At ten o’clock the class was over and the children
went to the garden. Mary ate an apple. John ate a cake. Peter ate an orange. At a quarter past ten they went back to the classroom. Miss Hall came in. They stood up. Then they sat down and went on with their classes. The children went home at one o’clock.

2. Ask and answer questions according to the model using the text
above work in pairs.

A. How did Mary go to school?
B. ………………………………………..
A. What did Mary wear?
B. ……………………………………….
A. ………………………………………..?
B. ………………………………………..

  1. Complete the sentences. Make them interrogative and give short answers.
  1. Yesterday I wore …………………………… 5. Last night John saw …………………
  2. Last night I ate ……………………………… 6. Last year Mrs. Smith worked ……..
  3. Last week I went ……………………………. 7. Yesterday we wrote ………………….
  4. Yesterday morning Mr. Brown came ….. 8. Yesterday he cleaned ………………

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Seasons and Weather

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn,
winter. Every season is beautiful and pleasant in its own way.
Winter is the coldest season in the year. Summer is the hottest season.
Spring is warmer than winter, but colder than summer. Autumn is also
colder than summer, but its warmer than winter.
Every season is good in its own way. There is much snow in winter. In
spring we enjoy the green leaves and grass and the first flowers. The sun
shines brighter and the days become longer. Summer is the hottest season.
Autumn comes after summer. It brings rains and cold weather. The leaves
are red, green and yellow and they fall down from the trees.

Let’s think about….

• Which is the best season in your native town?
• Why do children like winter and summer best of all?

• Describe your favourite season.
• Describe your favourite weather.

The weather in England is very changeable. A fi ne morning can
change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change
to a fi ne afternoon. That is why it is natural for the English to use the
comparison “as changeable as the weather” of a person who often changes
his opinion about something. The English often say: “Other countries
have climate, in England we have weather”.
The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it
rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all
day long.
The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England. When
two Englishmen meet, their fi rst words will be: “How do you do?” or
“How are you?” And after the reply: “Very well, thank you, how are
you?” the next remark to be about the weather.
The best time of the year in England is spring though it rains in spring
The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are
cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by
the big fi re.
Summer months are rather cool and there can be a lot of rainy days.
So most people who look forward to summer holidays plan to go abroad
for the summer. The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog and
smog, especially in London. Cars move along slowly. People cannot see
each other. They walk along the houses touching them with their hands
not to lose their way.

Լրացուցիչ առաջադրանքներ՝ տանը

Complete the diologue below
What is the weather like?
A. It’s often very sunny in my country.
B. We have a lot of sunshine in my country, too.
A. In winter it’s quite icy.
B. We have a lot of_________________

A. In the morning, it’s____________ and cold.
B. Yes, we have a lot of frost, too.
A. In autumn it’s often rainy.
B. We often have a lot of 
A. And sometimes it’s very _____________.

A. But it isn’t often foggy.
B. No, we don’t have much ______________.
A. Today, it’s just __
B. Yes, there are a lot of grey clouds in my country, too.

• Write a short story “My favourite season”

Posted in Անգլերեն, Ուսումնական նյութեր

The magic paintbrush

Rose loved drawing. She was very poor and didn’t have pens
or pencils. She drew pictures in the sand with sticks. One
day, an old woman saw Rose and said, ‘Hello! Here’s a
paintbrush and some paper for you.’
‘Thank you!’ smiled Rose. She was so happy. ‘Hmmm, what
can I paint?’ she thought. She looked around and saw a duck on the pond. ‘I know! I’ll
paint a duck!’
So she did. Suddenly, the duck flew off the paper and onto the pond. ‘Wow!’ she said. ‘A
magic paintbrush!’
Rose was a very kind girl and she painted pictures for everyone in her village. She
painted a cow for the farmer, pencils for the teacher and toys for all the children.
The king heard about the magic paintbrush and sent a soldier to find Rose. ‘Come with
me,’ said the soldier. ‘The king wants you to paint some money for him.’
‘But he’s already rich,’ said Rose. ‘I only paint to help poor people.’
But the nasty soldier took Rose to the king. ‘Paint me a tree with lots of money on it,’
he shouted.
Rose was brave and said, ‘No!’ So the king sent her to prison. But Rose painted a key
for the door and a horse to help her escape. The king chased after her. So she painted
a big hole, and splat! The king fell in.
Today, Rose only uses her magic paintbrush to help people who really, really need